Category Archives: Uncategorized


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name which includes a reference, explicit or implicit, to a culture’s classical literature, or any indirect reference to pop culture.

Example | Illustration

  • Honda Odyssey

Etymology | Origin

  • Late Latin allusion ‘a playing with’


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any ancient poetic and naming technique involving the initial repetition of the same initial consonant or vowel or, more rarely, of any initial vowel.

Example | Illustration

  • Ford Explorer
  • Ford Expedition
  • Ford Escape
  • Ford Excursion

Etymology | Origin

  • Latin ad- ‘to’ + littera ‘letter’

agentive noun

Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name consisting of a noun denoting the agent or doer of an action, in English typically formed by adding the suffix ‘-er’ to the base verb.

Example | Illustration

  • Ford Explorer

Etymology | Origin


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name formed from the initial letter or letters of a series of words in a phrase.

Example | Illustration

  • IBM

Etymology | Origin


Definition | Meaning

  1. Any brand name created by shortening a word or phrase.

Example | Illustration

  • Inc. magazine

Etymology | Origin

  • Middle English abbreviaten < Late Latin abbreviare < Latin ad- ‘to’ + breviare ‘shorten’